Win Justin Marozzi’s RSL Ondaatje prize winner on Baghdad

BaghdadcoverJustin Marozzi’s Baghdad: City of Peace, City of Blood, which won him the £10,000 RSL Ondaatje Prize for a book “evoking the spirit of a place”, is now out in paperback. You can read a brief extract on Deskbound Traveller.

Courtesy of the Royal Society of Literature, I also have five copies of the book to give away. To be in with a chance of winning one, just retweet my tweet about the book — see — and, if you haven’t already, follow @deskboundtravel on Twitter.

Terms and conditions
Entrants must retweet the tweet about Justin Marozzi’s book on Twitter by midnight on July 14, 2015. Only five copies of the book are available. Winners, who must be resident in the United Kingdom, will be selected at random and notified by midnight on July 21, 2015. Unsuccessful entrants will not be contacted. For more information about the Ondaatje Prize, please see the Royal Society of Literature’s website.

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