I’m much happier appearing in print than in front of a camera or a microphone, but I was persuaded to come out of my comfort zone this week by a great American champion of travel writing, Jeremy Bassetti. We had a chat for his podcast about books coming this year, those short-listed for the Edward Stanford Travel Writing Awards, and a few other things. You can hear it on Travel Writing World.
Somehow, I twice managed to get the title wrong of a book by Earl Swift that I was recommending. The book is about Tangier Island, but its title is Chesapeake Requiem. I also mentioned Javier Zamora’s Solito. My recollection was that Zamora travelled as a 10-year-old from El Salvador to the United States to be reunited with his parents, and was accompanied on the first stretch by his uncle; he was nine years old, and it was his grandfather who went with him as far as Guatemala.
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