On the lookout for forgotten classics

To coincide with the tenth anniversary of the death of Patrick Leigh Fermor (June 10, 2011), John Murray Press will next year reissue his classic travel trilogy, A Time of Gifts, Between the Woods and the Water​ and ​The Broken Road. It is also planning to start a new series dedicated to overlooked travel classics, and has enlisted Nick Hunt (​Where the Wild Winds Are;​ ​Walking the Woods and the Water​) as  an editorial consultant. His brief is to look for the following:

  “Recommendations of travel books (and other non-fiction books that evoke a sense of place) that are currently out of print in the UK. Books that have been forgotten about, left to languish on dusty bookshop shelves, or that were unjustly ignored when they were first published – potentially including translated works by foreign-language writers. Books that blur genres, that open our imaginations to unfamiliar places and cultures, or that make us see familiar things through different eyes. Books that give us new perspectives not only on the times and places in which they were originally published, but on the time and place we find ourselves in today.”

If you have a suggestion, you can contact Nick Hunt through his website — but check first that the title isn’t already in the catalogue of that well-established curator of classics, Eland Books.

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