The word from the walls in Istanbul

In a roundup earlier this month of forthcoming books, I mentioned The Endless Country: A Personal Journey Through Turkey’s First Hundred Years by Sami Kent, due to be published in June. I’ve since learnt that another reporter’s book from Turkey is coming next month: To The City: Life and Death Along the Ancient Walls of Istanbul by Alexander Christie-Miller (William Collins, £25, February 15).

Christie-Miller was Turkey correspondent for The Times from 2010 to 2017. On his journey along Istanbul’s ancient walls, his publisher says, he “reveals a city — and a nation — beset by environmental damage, rapacious development, economic decline and the growing authoritarianism of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan”. The book has won advance praise from Sir Max Hastings, the journalist and historian, and from Kaya Genç, the Istanbul-based author of The Lion and the Nightingale: A Journey Through Modern Turkey.
For examples of Christie-Miller’s feature writing, see his work in The White Review.

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